Welcome to the free Matou Sentence Structure Course. This course is designed to teach the basics of the Samoan Language phrase by phrase until you’re creating your own sentences. Follow along with the links below and learn at your own pace. This page is subject to updates with new worksheets so check back periodically.
Course Instruction
The course is an abbreviated version of the Matou Samoan Zoom Course. Click the lessons below to get started.
Lesona 1: The Samoan Alphabet & Pronunciation
Lesona 2: Identifying things in Samoan (The Samoan Subject Phrase)
Lesona 3: Pronouns (Standalone and After the Action)
Pronoun Exercise Worksheet Practicing “O a mai ____”
Lesona 4: Describing Things in Samoan (Adjectives)
Lesona 5: Connecting Subject Phrases
Lesona 6: Tense Markers and Actions/Verbs (TA)
Lesona 7: Combining Action Phrases and Subjects (TAS)
Lesona 8: Multiple Subjects with an action (TASS)
Lesona 9: A/O class, Possessive Pronouns
Lesona 10: The Location Phrase and Prepositions
Preposition Exercise Worksheet
Lesona 11: TASL Sentence Structure
Lesona 12: Telling Time and Counting in Samoan
Lesona 13: Time Phrase
Lesona 13: Pronouns (“te” and before the Action), “te” Tense Marker
Lesona 14: “te” Sentence Structure
Lesona 15: TSALT Sentence Structure
Lesona 16: Beginning Sentences with Subjects, Particle “ai”
Lesona 17: To have (E iai Sentence Structure)
Lesona 18: Connecting Phrases in Samoan
Lesona 19: Common Phrases in Samoan/ Review of Sentence Structures
Intermediate Concepts and Additional Instruction
Lesona 22: Reflexive Pronouns (self)
Other Resources