Samoan Subject

Samoan Limiters

Caption: When you identify subjects in the Samoan language, the basic phrase structure is O present tense marker the limiter which makes the noun or subject singular or plural and then the noun Let’s identify a house or fale  O, our limiter goes right here, then the noun is fale, Now let’s get our limiter this grid…

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Try Magic Media

Samoan Alphabet and Pronunciation

Pronouncing T,K,N,G Caption: Another big question in Samoan pronunciation and inflection is T vs K.  Is T formal and K informal? For my whole life that’s the way I knew it. My first video that’s how I explained it. People were in the comments saying that’s right, that’s wrong.  So I never talked about it…

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Describing Subjects in Samoan

Caption: If chica bonita in Spanish makes sense to you then teine aulelei in Samoan has got to make sense too There’s a lot of languages that describe the subject by saying the descriptive word after the subject Samoan is one of them Teine aulelei Galuega faigata Ofutino taugofie mea sili toto maualuga Again, we said the subject…then…

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"Nameless" Documentary on William Fanene

Plastic Samoan

Plastic: Derogatory term meaning Americanized, lacking culture, not knowing the language, NOT a REAL SAMOAN. Excerpt from the Documentary “Nameless”. Now available on and Amazon Prime Video. Being shunned from one’s own Samoan community and labeled as “plastic” or a fake Samoan is a profoundly alienating experience that can trigger deep insecurities and feelings…

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Samoan Accent Marks

Fa’ataofi and Fa’amamafa Caption: In Samoan pronunciation, these symbols are very important and are needed to pronounce words correctly. This is known as the fa’amamafa meaning to make heavy or emphasize, also known as a macron. These macrons go over vowels.  Not observing a macron could change the entire meaning of a word like tama…

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